Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Meg's Day 7 Update

Food (Total Calories = 1,801)
Breakfast = Peanut butter sandwich
Brunch= pancakes and sausage
Snack = 
Lunch = hashbrown (homemade)
Snack = ice cream
Dinner = left over pancakes and eggs

Exercise (Total Calories = 244)
40 minutes of weights also...someone got fussy and the baby sitting center. 
I had every intention of doing my Jullian DVD today....however see my note below.
*I'm starting to not like the baby sitting center.  It leads to a very clingy baby the rest of the day.  I can't even pee without holding her or she screams....ugh.  I may end up strapping her butt in the moby tomorrow if she won't stay there.  I will work out I tell you!!


  1. My thoughts on the YMCA babysitting situation, take what you will from it:

    1 - I would not stop taking her in, in fact I would make it my goal to get her use to it

    2 - I would take her every day at the same time, or inside the same routine, so she begins to expect it as part of her day

    3 - I would keep my schedule exactly the same for 4-5 days so she learns that she goes to the gym at this time and her mommy always comes back

    She is nearing 1, I think it would be important for her and you to be able to feel confident in a babysitting type situation.

    Like I said, take it or leave it, I have just found that Allouette does best when she knows what is coming next in her day, and she gets there by living with a similar routine each and every day.

    Good Luck!

  2. Oh, yeah, and eat some veggies!
