Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Meg's Day 1 Update

Food (Total Calories = 1921)
Breakfast = Didn't happen
Snack =
Lunch = Left over spaghetti
Dinner = Turkey sandwich with mayo, lettuce and avocado
Snack= Moose tracks ice cream (my in-laws opened their new creamery today)
Supper (with Mike)= Left over spaghetti

Excercise (
Do good intentions count?

This is why I needed a blogging buddy!  Look at how pathetic this is.  Good grief.  Tomorrow will be better!!

Water drinking for me is pretty easy.  I got into the habit while teaching.  I know you hate drinking from plastic, and it isn't my favorite either, BUT tupperware has these awesome 32oz bottles.  My daily goal is to get through 2 of them.  It was hard at first.  It would be the end of the day and I'd realize that I had barely drank one.  Since then, I've started drinking through the night as well.  Although, to be honest, with Aviana still waking up every 2-3 hours to nurse, I really need to drink.
So that's how I did it.  I bought a plastic bottle and started chugging ;)

Side note: I also hate when I'm eating at a restaurant and the waiter refills my water glass before it's empty, I lose count.  At least with my bottle I know 1bottle=32oz.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see any soda pop on your list, hooray for a soda free day!
