Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Free babysitting :)

So how did little Lu do?  That's my biggest worry about leaving Avi at the center.  Will she scream or will I just end up holding her in the moby while working out?  

And speaking of the moby, I'm thinking about getting a woven one.  They don't stretch out like my current one and you can use it back-pack style.  The only problem is they're $140!!  YIKES!  

Dinner tonight will be one of 3 things:
1) Creamy broccoli and cheese soup
2) Left over spaghetti
3) Julia Child's boeuf bourguignon if I can find a red wine substitute I actually like.   

Fitness for today will probably be a quick Y visit in the evening, if not, I will be doing my tried-and-true zumba DVD while Aviana jumps excitedly in her jumperoo.  Exercise for all :) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, $140 is a lot for a moby! Have you tried any other type of carriers? We found one that works either in the front or in the back, found it at TJ Maxx for $29.95 and it seems to work great! I have a friend who uses her standard Moby on her back, but I know it is tricky to get the kid into position.

    A homemade meal two nights in a row, Mike should be in Heaven!

    Allouette did really well at the YMCA daycare. I think I was more nervous than she was. We walked in, and she was already eyeing the toys. She seemed to have a great time, I am told she didn't cry once and the staff was awesome! I am hoping that by doing it on a regular basis she will really start to enjoy it. A nice break from her toys at home. Slightly worried about the germs though...
