Monday, February 6, 2012

Meg's Day 6 Update

Food (Total Calories = 2060)
Breakfast = Egg and Cheese on toast (my absolute FAVORITE)
Snack = taco dip with chips and pumpkin roll cake (weird combo, but oh so yummy)
Lunch = Turkey sandwich with cheese, LTM
Snack = 
Dinner = Bowl of cheerios (I know, I'm fancy)

Exercise (Total Calories =356 )
60 minutes of weights (class at the Y)
44oz also! 
AND I managed to take down all my Christmas decorations (tree included) pack it all up, tetris it into the car, drive it to my in-laws and stick it in my shed!  All with Avi in tow, GO ME!!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally proud of you for getting your decorations put away. I absolutely hate putting away Christmas decorations, or really any decorations for that matter!
