Thursday, February 2, 2012

Meg's Day 2 Update

Food (Total Calories = 2,407)
Breakfast = hash browns, egg, wheat bread, OJ (this killed my calories, but oh so good)
Snack = not in the morning
Lunch = BBQ spare ribs and a salad
Snack= (sorry) Brownie with strawberries and whipped topping
Dinner = Chicken burritos cooked in green and red peppers, an onion and 1/2 a jar of salsa.  Then topped with sour cream, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce. 

Exercise (Total Calories = 684)

50 minutes cardio

90 minutes carrying Avi in the moby
"Special Time"   (like it? LOL...fitday offers it as a choice so of course I had to use it!!)
~I need to figure out how many calories I burn breastfeeding.  I nurse Avi 3-5 times at night, and then 4-5 times a day.  I should probably know that information.

By 10pm tonight I will have had my 64oz and a bit more, but I always strive for my 64.

Tomorrow's goal shall be to hit the Y at 10am for a zumba class.  This will be Avi's first time staying with someone other than family....wish us luck!


  1. Yum, your food sounds so good! It is making me hungry, and I am not actually hungry.

    Full time breastfeeding is estimated at 500 calories. I nurse 5-6 times in a 24 hour period, so I imagine that is around 200-250 calories.

    LOL, I checked out your so called 'special time', you sure don't get very many calories for sex, doesn't seem right.

    I am trying to figure out how tomorrow will go as Friday is playgroup during my usual gym time slot. I might just skip playgroup...

    How is your new ward? Are there a lot of families with new babies? Do you guys have a weekly playgroup set-up?

    2nd day without soda, nice!

  2. Our "new" ward is great. It actually isn't really new to us since it's the ward we both grew up in, which is nice. We have our family there and all the people who knew us as gangly looking children. The downside is that our family is there....does that make sense? :)

    There are LOTS of families with new babies, the trick is that they all have about 4-5 kids in addition to their new baby, so play groups don't really happen since, who really wants to drag 8,000 kids out for an hour and then go home.

    I've actually been throwing around the idea of getting some ladies together once a week and working out to a tape at the church or something. That way the kiddos can run wild (always fun) and the mama's can chat and sweat.

    As for no's kinda easy to avoid it when it isn't in the house :) The REAL test is when I go to my parent's. They are soda fanatics. They have about 3 cases worth in their fridge and even more in the basement...and they have pepsi, which is my heathen drink of choice :)
