Friday, February 3, 2012

Ashley's Daily Report

Food (Total Calories = 1,258)
Breakfast = 2 eggs with spinach, mushrooms & garlic (187)
Snack = Granola Bar (140)
Lunch = Chocolate Chip Cookie & Almonds (158)
Dinner = Turkey Burger & Salad (773)

Exercise (Total Calories = 622)

80 minutes of Cardio (378)
40 minutes Weight Lifting (244)

82oz, oh baby!

It was a great day all in all. My lunch was mainly a chocolate chip cookie, in the form of dough, as I have been preparing for an evening get-together at our place tomorrow night. I have almost all the prep done, including baked chocolate chip cookies, brownies, veggie tray, spinach dip & bacon wrapped little smokies. All I need to do tomorrow is make the sandwich wrap, seven layer dip and guacamole. (As you can tell, Saturday will be my Mardi Gras day, and I can't wait!) I really did not want to eat any sugar until tomorrow, but how can you resist it while you are sitting there making it. Arg!

Keep up the good work and have an excellent weekend. :-)

1 comment:

  1. YOU have a great Saturday!! You've earned it. And I totally agree about the cookie dough. Especially now that I can...being pregnant and not being allowed was hard work. Poor Mike. I don't think I baked a single cookie for 9 months :)
