Friday, February 3, 2012

Whoot Whoot!!

#1) Made it to the Y at 9:58 for my class that started at 10!
#2) Aviana LOVED the babysitting place.  She apparently chased some little boy named Zander the ENTIRE time.  He walks....she crawls....I'm thinking though that if she's around enough babies who walk she'll figure it out more quickly.
#3) 60 minutes of zumba and boy was it fast!  The chick who taught today's class is Jamaican...phew
#4) MIKE CAME TOO!!!!!!!!  This is HUGE!!!!!!!  

Off to the local consignment shop for a quick purchase.  While I was looking for my desk that I didn't find, I DID find a hiking back pack for carrying Avi!  It's LLBean and those usually run at $150+ and it was just shoved in a corner for $28.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news all around! Yes, Lou loves the babysitting place too, each time I go in to get her, she is busy playing with the other kids. It is super cute.
