Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ashley's Daily Report

Food (Total Calories = 1,112)
Breakfast = Eggs, Spinach & Ground Turkey (484)
Snack =
Lunch = 
Snack =
Dinner = Salmon Burger & Chicken Soup (628)

Exercise (Total Calories = 512)
75 minutes of Cardio (512)

Food & water intake were off due to the filling I got this afternoon. My cardio was slightly off as my walking buddy called in sick, so I was on my own and only walked for 30 minutes instead of the full hour. All in all, my day was just off. :-( Here it hoping tomorrow is better!


  1. I'm so sorry about your cavity~that sucks. I still consider myself to be cavity free since I managed to get rid of my one all by myself. I will forever swear by baking soda for toothpaste. Obviously I use the regular stuff first, but then I bring up the rear with the soda. It makes for some very white teeth.

  2. Before I avocados taste like soap to you? I've been trying to get use to them but I cannot get past the soap taste. Suggestions?

  3. LOL, avocados taste like soap to you? LOL. What about guacamole? I always put a little salt on an avocado, makes it so good.
