Monday, February 20, 2012

Back on the Wagon

I can't even remember what I ate last week, all I know is that I pretty much didn't eat Saturday & Sunday, I assume I get additional calories burned as well as negative food calories for puking.

As I puked all weekend, I figured it is a great time to weigh in. :-) I am pretty certain I will go back up once I start eating again, but hey, let's celebrate the little things!

Allouette is a year old today and I am two pounds lighter then when I got pregnant with her.

Weight = 148


Goals for the week:
1 - I don't think I will make it to the gym today, my morning walk pretty much wiped out my energy, but I hope to make it there Tuesday-Friday.

2 - Get back on my fertility diet....again, ugh.

3 - Eat breakfast every day before 9am.

1 comment:

  1. I like your #3 goal. Avi is usually up between 8-8:30, but I bring her in bed with me so I can more fully wake up. :) So, breakfast for me is more like 9:30-9:45 as I'm rushing out the door to the Y.
