Saturday, March 10, 2012


You would not believe this, but I have checked our blog EVERY DAY since the 5th and NOTHING was showing up from you.  So, I just assumed you were still volunteering or gardening or something and I didn't want you to feel bad so I stopped updating.  So, today, when I checked it there were like 6 or 7 posts all from you in a row.  BLAH!!  Sometimes the internet is so dumb.

BUT, I'm totally NOT going to update for today, I was sooooo bad.  I do have a question for you though.  Aviana is so weird.  She likes her "big girl" food.  She enjoys chewing and all that.  BUT she will NOT usually eat more than 10 bites of anything.  It's so strange.  Especially since, even though she's refusing food, she is screaming at me because she wants to nurse.  And then, she'll go DAYS without having any solid foods and she'll only nurse.  He doctor is totally fine with it, but it drive me nuts!! I've actually resorted to buying those organic yo-baby yogurts, even though they have sugar in them and I HATE that, but she eats them, and since they have both a veggie and a fruit I at least know she's getting something in her tummy.

green beans, peas, carrots, cauliflower, squash, chicken, pork, beef, pasta, bread, cheerios, baby oatmeal, rice, apples, pears, peaches....kinda.   Yo-baby yogurt

Avocado (she must think they taste like soap too), peaches (normally), again I'm sure there are more

Funny moment:  The other night I gave her a whole-raw piece of cauliflower, just to see what she would do.  She loved it.  I don't think she actually got to eat any of it since it was all over her face, but it really was hilarious. 

I'm sure there are more, but those are the foods she'll actually open her mouth for without fussing tooooooo much.


1 comment:

  1. Hmm, not sure what to tell you, Allouette has always been a crazy good eater, she loves her food and just shovels it in. Not sure if this is just the way she is or if it is because how I introduced food. Here is what I did:

    From 6-8 months she only had one meal a day, this was in between her morning and afternoon nap. I would put her in her highchair, same time every day and offered her 2-3 homemade babyfoods, like squash and applesauce. At this time I also would offer her soft stuff like steamed carrot spears or spears of cucumbers. At this point she was still nursing full-time.

    From 8-10 months, I bumped it up to 2 meals a day, between her naps and around 5pm, the same time every single day. At this point she still did not have any teeth, but was pretty good at gumming everything. I would mash some of her food but thick enough for her to feed herself. She really perfers to feed herself. This was also around the time that we were at the hospital for weeks at a time for my grandpa, and as lulu will not nurse in public I started to give her raisins and cheerios as snacks.

    From 10 months to 12 months, 3 meals a day, always at the same time, she pretty much eats everything. She only has about 1.5 teeth, but she seems to make it work out. I cut things into spears or chucks and she just does her thing. No sugar, no fish, no honey, no milk, but pretty much everything else. Oh, and I always give her veggies first, then meats, and then fruit so that she feels up on the good stuff.

    The main points:
    1) Let her feed herself
    2) Give her a variety
    3) Feed her the same time every day
    4) Eat your own food with her, when she sees you eat, she will want to too

    Either way, I am sure she will figure it out sooner or later. Sit her at the table when you and Mike eat and she will want to join in.

    Good Luck!
